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The Full Story

Why choose Blackhouse when looking for vape shops near me?

Blackhouse Vapor Company is a family owned and operated vapor shop located in the Sugarhouse neighborhood of Salt Lake City. We started in 2015 with a vision of creating a premium experience for our customers. Until we opened, smoke and vape shops were lacking customer service and a comfortable, visually appealing experience. We can confidently say that we raised the bar for the vapor industry in Utah. The experience that we envisioned came to life and we have continually improved the experience for our customers since the day we opened our doors.

Our opening day was crazy! We threw a party like no one in the industry had ever seen. The buzz around the state got out that a new, high end vapor shop in Salt Lake City was opening and everyone showed up. The party spilled over into the parking lot, the cops showed up, the fire department came and the party raged on. The party has been going strong since 2015 and we don't plan on stopping.

We have also led the fight against legislation and politicians that wanted to take our customers right to use e-cigarettes away. We rallied our customers to go to the capitol and call their legislalors when their rights were threatened. We helped start and industry advocacy group and raised money for lawyers and lobbyists. Who would have thought that a vapor shop in Salt Lake City could have such an impact on the state's laws.

We have added our own line of premium quality CBD and THC products that are made and developed by us. We also kept our wildly popular line of Blackhouse branded clothing stocked up so you can be a part of the #1 brand in the state and look great doing it. When you are looking for vape shops near me remember that we have made countless friends and welcomed them into the family and we plan to keep going for many more years to come



Our mission is to provide the best possible vapor products, prices, and customer service anywhere in the industry. It's that simple.


Our vision came to life in 2015. Because we can't sit still we continue to improve and add to our enormous product selection. We will continue to stay ahead of the trends and offer only the highest quality products on the market. We will never sell our customerknock offs or products that we haven't vetted for safety and quality.

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